Sunday, February 21

Self examining vs. self-criticism

What's the difference between self examination and self-criticism? What you use to measure by. If you're using man's standard, then you're going to be constantly running the hamster wheel--if you use God's standard, then you're able to examine objectively what's happening in your spiritual life, and make a plan to move ahead accordingly.

Here's the list of questions that I gave faith venture church this morning to aid in the spiritual self-exam:

  1. Do I spend more time WITH the Holy Spirit, or away from him?
  2. Could I explain what a Jesus follower is? How to become one?
  3. How is my life different because of what I believe about Jesus? (physically, emotionally, relationally, financially, vocationally)
  4. Do I look for ways to share Jesus with others, or find ways to dodge?
  5. Do I pray more for others or for myself?
  6. If someone followed me around for a week, would they be convinced that Jesus is the center of my life, or just a playing a supportive role?
As you pursue real, powerful maturity in your spiritual life, take a few moments to examine yourself...

Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith. 2 Corinthians 13:5

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