Monday, July 26

The day after...

I thought that I'd try and blog my way through this transition...It might be helpful for me and it will provide anyone who's interested in what's going on with us some insight as well.

So, the BIG NEWS is that I resigned as lead pastor of faith venture church yesterday. Some were not surprised, some appeared to have been kicked in the face.

I guess that's a normal cross-sectional representation of our life. There are some people in your world who are really in tune with you and who you are and what's going on...and then there are those who are a little more distant, maybe not as close to you, but still like being around you.

I think that we need both kinds of people around us. But you have to have balance...too many 'up close people' and we get choked. Not enough, and we die of isolation and loneliness.

Quick side-note here...
There's an x-factor of just how much of YOU
are you allowing out to those around you?
It's not fair to call people "distant" if you hold everyone
back with the famous 'Heisman stiffarm' move.

One of the things that I'm trying to get my head/heart around
these days is how much of Dale am I allowing people to have?
When I feel lonely or isolated, who's fault is that?
Could it be that I'm to blame for the days when I'm by myself
emotionally because I've not allowed anyone "in"?

Well, back to 'the resignation'.

The first question that everyone is asking is: "What are you going to do now?" Answer: IDK (that's I don't know if you're texting this to someone). I don't have another ministry assignment to move on to right now. God has given us the green light to step away from FVC, but He hasn't given us the green light to move to another church at this point (I never said that I understood this whole thing).

So we're getting the house ready to sell, and preparing to move back to Ashland, KY, where we have lots of family to help us through this season in our life. Of course that could all change in an instant if God intervenes and gives me another opportunity in full time ministry somewhere.

So we're absolutely on our knees (okay, I'll be honest--we've moved to being on our faces) before the Lord in prayer. We have no idea what's in store for us...but we know that we have peace.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hey my friend, God is goood ...ALL THE TIME. Nashville is okay I lied it is hot and humid, but KY can't be much better. I wish I had an answer from God, but I do have a special word from Him, "I know the plans I have for you...." , but you now that. How about "...will hold your right hand saying fear not, I will help you..." You know that one too. This could go on forever... "Get thee to a nunery!" Time for a couple of days at a benedictine retreat center in the Springs...Silence and Solitude maybe.
In the meantime where are you going to church? make sure you don't forget regular feeding to keep the body (heart soul and mind) strong. Praying for you all and looking forward to the flip side. God is still working, but you know that too. I spoke in a church on Sunday night a couple weeks ago and talked about a particular time that God shook my soul in a field at Golden bell in a field alone with my Bible. I said then "God, if you open the door, I will walk through." Don't fret, just keep your peepers on the lookout for that open door. When it's right you will know and in the meantime just because He is quiet doesn't mean He is absent. You knew that too. Wow you are pretty smart. :-) He is working and preparing you and your family as well as preparing your next adventure.

Linda Bannon :-)