Sunday, September 26


In a rare occurrence last week, I was alone with Michelle and we were having lunch at a Southwestern fast-food restaurant here in town, eating on the outside patio (having a great time btw), and I looked down and saw a little sparrow hopping around on the ground.  Not an earth-shattering event by any stretch of the imagination, but God used the occasion to whisper in my ear.
I alternate between being in a great mood, and a not-so-great mood.  I can't tell you what triggers the emotions, other than there are times when I'm feeling really positive about where I am and what's going on in my life right now, and times when I'm feeling less than positive.

It's during the less than positive times when I find myself struggling with feelings of failure, anxiety and disappointment in myself.  Quite honestly, it's at times like that when I feel insignificant.
I'm sure you've felt 'small' before.  Something happens to you, or someone says something,  or maybe a job isn't going very well and before you know it, you're having thoughts of insecurity and insignificance.

I hate when this happens--because it means that I've let something other than God determine what makes me feel important or significant.  This doesn't happen often, but it DOES happen to me.

What are we supposed to do when we're feeling less than adequate?  What does the bible say?

6 "Five sparrows are sold for only two pennies, and God does not forget any of them.7 But God even knows how many hairs you have on your head. Don't be afraid.
You are worth much more than many sparrows.  
Luke 12:6-7 (NCV)

When I'm feeling small, I need to remember who's opinion matters.

God is so in tune with what's going on in your life that he's got your hair count!  How amazing is that?  It's not that He's a numbers freak--He cares about you!

Make sure that when you're feeling down, you remember that God knows AT LEAST two things: How many sparrows there are in the world, and how many hairs you lost down the drain this morning. Oh, and remember that to God--you're worth more than the birds.

I need to remind myself about this one a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever considered that God is calling you to write devotionals? You are a gifted writer! Loving to read each one.
Continuing in prayer.....
Love, jan