Monday, November 29

Magi from the east

We call them the 'Three Wise Men'...but they were really Magi.  A group of distinguished foreigners, travelling from the east,  who visited Jesus after His birth, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
I saw these guys the other day.  They were in the bed of a pickup truck, heading east on Kentucky St Rte 23, looking to find their place in a tradititional American nativity scene on someone's lawn somewhere. 
You know that Christmas is coming when you see these guys show up--they never make an appearance at any other time of the year.
It caused me to the people that you live with, work with, see you at the grocery store and on the ball field ever see the 'christian' side of you outside of Sunday?  I mean, if asked, would your friends and aquaintances know that you were a follower of Jesus, or just a plastic stand in that shows up at only the socially acceptable time to be religious?
I'm not trying to cause controversy, I'm just curious about whether or not you are a genuine article kind of Jesus follower.
What's a genuine Jesus follower?  Jesus gave pretty specific marching orders when it came to looking and acting like the real-deal.  Matthew wrote Jesus' words in his gospel, chapter 22:
37 ...“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it:
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

How will others know you follow Christ?  It's in how you love those around you.

So while you're singing along to the 24 hour-a-day holiday music station, remember that the love, joy and peace stuff that decorates the tree and front yard also needs to make regular appearances the other 353 days of the year too (that's 365 minus the 12 days of Christmas for all of you numerically challenged readers).

Thoughts?  I'd love to hear your feedback.


Stepho said...

I think that's a great question; do people know that I have a relationship with Christ? I suppose my answer is "I think some people do but I don't know for sure. I hope they do!"

I would like to know the answer though, so... I guess I'll have to start asking around and find out!

Anonymous said...

I put a Jesus fish on the back of my car. Does that count?