Sunday, March 9

Happy Birthday faith venture church

"I don't feel any older." How many times have you heard that one when you're at someone's birthday party? If I had a nickle for everytime that I heard someone spit that one out, I would definately have more money to spend on Starbucks.

The truth is that I DO FEEL that FVC feels a little older these days. I don't necessarily know if that's good or bad, but I do sense that things are different today than they were when we started!

Admittedly when we started the church, I felt that the success or demise of the church rested largely on my shoulders...I certainly don't feel that way anymore. It's God's church, not mine.

I also sense that we've 'settled down' a little bit. There was definitely a sense of urgency when FVC began--almost that if we didn't get it done TODAY that it wasn't going to get done. Not true. God has plans for us, and we only do damage when we try to fastrac it without His leading!'s to you FVC. Happy birthday. I can only hope the next three years are as life-changing as these three have been.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Disappointed to see your wife has isn't blogging! :(