Wednesday, January 7

I can't think of a creative title this time

I've returned home from the Christmas/New Year break with a renewed sense of energy for my ministry. I hope that this doesn't mean that I was dragging my rear around during the last part of 2008, but what I DO KNOW that it means is that I'm looking forward to what God has in store for me and my family, and my church in this new year.

2008 wasn't really all that it was cracked up to be for me. It was a rebuilding year for me personally--trying to recover from almost dying twice. It was a rebuilding year for me as the lead pastor of FVC--we hired three new staff pastors. It really wasn't a rebuilding year for my marriage--we're always rebuilding our relationship (in a good way).

But 2009 looks promising to me. I'm coming out of the shoot a little more positive, and a little more aggressive. I'm not going to let the enemy steal my joy anymore. I'm not going to let little bumps at the church wear me down anymore--I've realized that FVC belongs to God--it's His job to worry about it not mine. I'll do everything in my power to make it a lifesaving station that it's supposed to be, but I'm really not going to worry about how big we are, or how many services we have, or how many DIDN'T show up on any given Sunday...I've given that job back to Jesus.

It feels good...

1 comment:

La Gringa Sonria said...

Hey Dale. Good to see you're blogging again! Sounds like you're pumped for '09, which is awesome. God is good. Keep writing!