Sunday, February 8


Every now and then there comes a time when words stop and action begins.

It's at that point that real commitment begins. It's easy to give lip service to a cause, or to talk about how much you're going to give to something or someone, but when it's 'go time' then that's when things really matter.

This morning at FVC, we talked about the church. The history of the church, the good--the bad--and sometimes the ugly, and what the church is really about...
  1. Worship
  2. Spiritual disciplines (spiritual formation)
  3. Fellowship
  4. Discipleship
  5. Service
  6. Evangelism
At the end of our time together, I reminisced about the history of FVC (birthday coming up in March), talked about some of the setbacks that we've experienced in the last few months, and then asked who would come with me to take our church forward.

I couldn't see everyone, but it looked like the whole place stood up and confirmed what I've been thinking all along--we want more of Jesus, we want to go farther in our service to Him, and we all want to be a part of something that's going to last longer than what we could do individually.

Now...the hard part--honoring that commitment. We're all going to be trying to figure out what exactly that means here in the short term. Hopefully this will drive us to our knees to discover what Jesus wants from each of us individually, and collectively.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep doing what you are doing, Dale. God does love the church more than people do. If you listen to Him, and continue to be faithful, He will open doors and walk you down the paths. As the pastor of FVC, your flock will follow you.

God is sovereign. Nothing surprises him. Nothing has happened, or will happen, that will alter God's level of control. Faith isn't for when the trail is smooth and downhill. It's for the times when the way ahead is rocky, obscured, and treacherous.

Let God lead, and all the people who stood with you will fall in line behind you...because you are following God and your surety in your faith will be evident in your strides.

He's got your back. All you need to do is believe and walk forward.

May he bless you, fortify you, encourage you and remind you how much He loves you and His church every day.