Monday, February 2


Momentum. What a great word. It's phonetically pretty straightforward, and it rolls off of your tongue without much effort.

But the truth is that momentum is not really straightforward, nor effortless. It's hard to get going, and even harder to keep--but one thing is for sure, no matter what, once it's lost, it's one of the toughest things in the world to regain.

I watched the Superbowl last night (who didn't?), and watched the power of momentum at work. The Steelers came out and ran the game for the first half--the Cardinals struggled to put anything together, and when they did, the Steelers were right there to stop it. Then came the second half...what a difference a half-time show can make! Arizona seemed to know exactly what they needed to do to turn the game around, and they worked valiantly to achieve it.

No matter the outcome of the final score, no one can deny that the underdog Cardinals changed the tempo and the momentum of the game--at least if not only temporarily.

We're trying to do this at Faith Venture Church (where I'm the lead pastor).

Without going into the entire battle history, we've seen some setbacks in the short 4 years we've been around...but God is good. He's still in charge, and like I keep telling everyone (including myself) He loves our church more than we do.

So we keep moving ahead. Looking for a way to get momentum going again. The truth is that without the Spirit of God, we're hopeless--so that's the key. Making sure that we're lined up with what God wants to do--realizing that we live in a human world, so there has to be human interface, we're looking for the right combination of ingredients as a church, to lurch ahead.

If this didn't make any sense to you--that's okay--I wrote it for me anyway.

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