Thursday, July 29

Four days

This is day four of waking up after resigning my position @ faith venture church, and it's day four of waking up feeling like I made the right decision.

Don't confuse that last statement with me saying that I feel good about it--because I'm not sure that do. This isn't the way that I would have scripted my life. But realizing that I'm not The Writer, or The Producer or The director of my life--that I'm merely an actor in God's story, I'm okay with what's happening.

Let me restate that. I'm not okay with what's happening, I'm okay with who's responsible with it.

If there's one thing that I've learned (and still learning), is that God is responsible for my life when I live in obedience to Him. When I walk outside of His promptings, His guidance, His Word and His direction in my life, then I'm on the hook for the outcome. BUT, when I follow Him, when I do my very best to live my life in compliance with the light that He shows me, then HE is responsible for what happens. And THAT'S what I'm okay with.

I'm sure that there are dark days ahead. What am I saying? THESE are dark days. I've resigned from the church that Michelle and I started from scratch, and depending on lots of things that are out of my control, never return to FT ministry; I'm being forced to sell the house we love and move away; we have to leave the school system that the kids are thriving in; I have to change my ENTIRE life. These ARE dark days. But I choose to trust God with all of it.

I thought that I would share with you not just the tough stuff, but the good stuff too--so we were in a very famous home improvement store last night whose name rhymes with Foam Reepo (we were there to improve our house so that we can put it on the market), and began talking with one of the associates. She had already been talking with my 10-year old Hannah because of the Jesus necklace that Hannah was wearing, and was telling me what a great little girl she is.

The conversation quickly moved from Hannah to Jesus. Here's the thing: because we were there due to our current situation, and because Hannah isn't ashamed of Christ, I got the opportunity to witness to this woman.

Despite my personal situation, God will be glorified! Keep praying for us.


Kris Hayne said...


Thanks for sharing your heart. I am praying for you guys. SOme of the things you shared got me thinking about my own call, my place in ministry right now, what motivates it God? Is it me?

Keep your heart, and your eyes, open.


Linda said...

"Our obstacles are great opportunities. Too often we look on them as great obstacles... God's jewels are often sent us in rough packages and by dark liveried servants, but within we find the very treasures of the king's palace and the bridegrooms love," (A. B. Simpson)

I loved the story about Hannah at the store. It is confirmation that God is still working!! You talk about "dark", but you realize light shines brightest in the dark.

I believe it will always be a matter of the heart and it is not what you do, but why you do it. As long as your heart is dedicated wholey too His will and you are seeking His face (AND i KNOW IT IS) this too will pass.

Thinking and praying for you all daily.

Linda B