Sunday, August 22

Elvis has left the building

Today was the final day for me as the lead pastor of faith venture church--we finished what we were called to do, Elvis has left the building.

It was actually a very humbling day for me to reflect and to just take it all in.  Michelle and the kids have long since been gone, so it gave me the opportunity to just observe all that took place.

Let me tell you what I saw/experienced:
  1. A dedicated leader and group of people who are committed to setting up our (still) portable church on Sunday mornings;
  2. A volunteer children's leader who doesn't get to worship with the big people very often because of her commitment to the kids;
  3. A wonderful worship pastor and amazing band that cranks it up every weekend so that we can lift our hands and sing;
  4. A sold out church treasurer who makes sure all the 'i's are dotted, the 't's crossed and the money accounted for;
  5. A tireless sound guy, faithful greeters, and the most appreciated: the refreshments lady. 
  6. And a group of people who desire to see what God can do when we live in obedience to Him.
I told several of my friends there as I walked out of the door for the last time that I would be watching for my invitation to the 25 year anniversary of FVC in 2030...if Jesus doesn't come back first.

Go get 'em Faith Venture...I'll be anxiously watching to see where God takes you!

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