Sunday, August 15

goodbyes are tough

Michelle and the kids have to leave for Ashland on Wednesday, which means that this was their last Sunday @ FVC.

A lot of memories in 5 years...weddings, baby dedications, baptisms, salvation stories,, God is good.

It's definitely hard to say goodbye.  Here's a video Jay and Chantell created for us. 

If you're in the video, give me your story in the comments section of this blog--it will make saying goodbye a little easier on me.

It's been a heck of a ride...


Phil & Hang Atkinson said...

Massive lump in the throat here.
An especially interesting aspect of the video is the way that your kids grew up in FVC, it is touching to watch them age in the video.

You will ALL be missed more than you know.

Anonymous said...

It was a little hard to watch the video, it made the reality of you all leaving become so real. In January this year, God told me this was going to be a year of change for us. And boy has it, but because he told me so, I have been able to accept the changes with an open mind and heart. I'm usually afraid of change, but not this year. Its just like you said, its not the end, its just a chapter closing. Thanks for the last 3 years. We really hope you all the best back home in Kentucky. Love, The Green Family